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Heads-up to Those Who Sent Me an Email Since September

This is a quick heads up to anyone who have attempted to contact me via email since around September 15. It seems like protonmail (or at least, my account) had a brain fart and I did not receive any reply or mail since that date (and it's possible my replies did not go through either).

Today I had confirmation that this was indeed a proton issue, and it seems to be at least partly resolved. So if you did send an email and never got a reply, you can resend it again.

Since I can't confirm that the issue is 100% resolved: if you still don't receive a reply within at least 48 hours, you can feel free to send a mail to my backup account (ian.lecorbeau (at) gmail (dot) com). This is a backup account only, so please go though protonmail first. And note that because this is gmail, there is 0 privacy (so think twice before sending your plans for world domination).